Friday, July 15, 2011

Kicked in the lower head area?

I was wondering if it's possible to get a concussion from a kick to the lower back of the head. Before anyone assumes anything, no I am not abused. My dad was just messing around and it was an accident. I felt nauseous for a bit after but also it should be taken into account that I had my meal not long before, and my dad assumes it was from that. And I was very fatigued. But this could also be because I have problems with sleeping, it's not as though it isn't common for me to be tired. My dad said it's not possible for me to have one because of where he kicked me, because a concussion is swelling of the brain or something along those lines. I don't really know much about them myself, just that it's dangerous to fall asleep with one. Is there a possibility I could have one? It was pretty sure it was just above where the head meets the neck on the left side.

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